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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Social Arithmetic

Social Arithmetic by Ogi Gumelar In market activity there are salesperson (merchant) and customer (buyer), in this situation salesperson give merchandise to customer as money replacement beside that customer provide money as merchandise replacement. Sales get all merchandise from wholesaler or factory buy with the price which determined by them, or called buying price. Selling price is a price determined by sales which sold out to customer. We can conclude that from the passage market activity always related with buying price or capital, this price will become basic calculation. There are two possibilities condition in market activity 1. Sales will get profit condition, or 2. Sales will get loss condition Basic rule condition equal selling price is subtracted by buying price, if condition result is positive then sales get profit in contrary if condition result negative then sales get loss. Profit A condition where sales will get profit if selling price higher than buying price. For example case There is a salesperson buy a racket with price Rp 160,000.00 and then he sell the racket with price Rp 200,000.00, from this transaction we can conclude sales do get profit for about Rp 40,000.00 due to selling price is higher than buying price. We can derive profit from the difference (deduction) between selling price and buying price: Rp 200,000.00 subtract with Rp 160,000.00 equal Rp 40,000.00. Loss A condition where sales will get loss if buying price higher than selling price. For example Mr. Mamat buy an old television with price Rp 250,000.00 after that he repair the television with cost Rp 65,000.00 but he sell the television with price Rp 300,000.00. Reparation cost and buying price will be accumulated and equal as Rp 315,000.00, where capital is Rp 250,000.00 and addition cost is Rp 65,000.00. From this case we can summarize that Mr Mamat get loss for about Rp 15,000.00. Determining loss or profit percentage In market activity loss or profit is always represented in percentage, following statement is casual condition which describe amount of percentage: 5% = 5 /100 = 1/20 = 0.05 10% = 10/100=1/10=0.01 Discount Discount is a price allowance (deduction from the price amount), discount usually use as a tool to attract customer. For example there is a sale in a store with discount from 10 % up to 50 % such that there will be a lot of customer who come to this store due to the price is cheaper than other store. Gross, Net and Tare Gross is whole or total not net Net is free from any deduction Tare is deduction Inside a box which contain sugar has total weigh for about 100 kg, if that box weigh itself for about 0.8 kg then sugar will have weigh 99.2 kg from 100 kg subtract 0.8 kg. In this case we can summarize that: Gross weigh is a total weigh 100 kg Net weigh is only sugar weigh 99.2 kg Tare weigh is a box weigh 0.8 kg Interest If we have some money then we usually will save our money in Bank account, Bank also will provide us money as a feed back. The money is called interest. Tax Tax is a routine charge that has to paid by community in one country according its’ policies without any feed back, and the tax itself usually provide public prosperity. For example PPh (Pajak Penghasilan) where collected from salary employee allowance PPn (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai) where collected from any transaction in store, wholesaler and dealer.

by ogi gumelar

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