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Saturday, April 12, 2008


Gives course about determining of fish forecasting ground

The course purpose is held on 31 March 2008 untill 11 April 2008. As the chief of remote sensing division in LAPAN, Mr Nurhidayat open the course in Training room of LAPAN Remote sensing division, Jakarta, on Monday ( the first day).

Member of this course is about 15 people (contain of staff from Macres, DKP, Diponegoro University and LAPAN). The material of the course is covered in theory understanding, Visiting Data product and distribution also to the earth resources station, field surveying in Indramayu, presentation and discussion, planning for collaboration in the future.
The lecturer mostly come from LAPAN staff but other come from DKP and Politeknik Pertanian negeri pangkep. This exhibition also to strengthen relationship between LAPAN and MACRES. LAPAN and MACRES also plan to do some workshops which be held in Malaysia which have been agreed to by the chief of MACRES.
More completed information you can see website in LAPAN or in MACRES

(LAPAN Public Relation/Hen)

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