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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Fortrand, Cobol, Pascal, C++, Basic




Visual Basic, Visual C++,
Turbo Basic, Turbo Pascal

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hadits shahih muslim, page 182

From Abu Hurairah r.a., said:" Rasulullah say that Bani Israil usually take a bath naked in open air where each other can see each ...(aurat), while prophet Musa a.s take a bath with no other people except himself, there for bani israil say " We must bring Musa to take a bath with us except he has some illness **.

And while ago Musa a.s take a bath and his clothes was put on a rock, then suddenly the rock escape and bring Musa's clothes.

Rasulullah s.a.w say that " Then Musa chase that rock with his all power while also say " My clothes rock!" " My clothes hey you rock", where finally all of people from bani Israil see all of Musa's body.
Then people of bani Israil say " In the name of Allah S.W.T Musa doesn't have any illness".
And the rock get up (lives) so that a lot of people see truly situation of Musa.

Rasulullah s.a.w say " Then Musa take his clothes and hit the rock"

Abu Hurairah r.a say " In the name of Allah , it is reality that rock has a several strikes from Prophet of Musa a.s (six or seven hit)"

** two big of his testicles"

Hadits shahih muslim, page 41

From Anas bin Malik, he said "We are forbidden to ask something to Rasulullah s.a.w, therefore we always hope that someone "genius" people arrive from some other village who will ask to Rasulullah s.a.w, and we will hear the discussion.
Fortunately, there is one man come from unknown village who go to Rasulullah s.a.w and ask " It has arrived messenger from you majesty (Rasulullah ) to us and the messenger say that you (Rasulullah s.a.w) are the chosen one to be prophet from Allah S.W.T. Rasulullah s.a.w say " True".

Then he ask again to Rasulullah s.a.w" Who are create skies, earth, keep the mountains and other creature (makhluk) inside ? ". Rasulullah s.a.w say" Allah S.W.T".

And then he ask" In the name of greatest Allah S.W.T who are create skies, earth, keep the mountains and other creature (makhluk) inside, is it true that Allah S.W.T has send you (Rasulullah s.a.w) as His Messenger (Prophet)?". Rasulullah s.a.w "Yes".

And then he ask again "Your messenger say that we have to pray ( shalat) five time in a day, to give charity (zakat) from our money (kekayaan), vasting in Ramadhan every year and go to Mecca (Haji) to those who have capability, is it true that you majesty (Rasulullah s.a.w) who has all this task?".
(Then Rasulullah s.a.w answering every portion of questions from genius people, and true is the all of answer from his questions).

Then Anas say that the genius people turn around and also said "In the name of God ( Allah S.W.T) who sent you majesty ( Rasulullah s.a.w) with the truth, then i will not increase and decrease some than these" .

Then Rasulullah s.a.w say " If it's true what he (genius people who asking a lot question) then he will go to heaven (firdaus, Adn, Darussalam, etc)"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Land covering in kuningan 2009

Most of land covering is for agriculture in kuningan, beside that there are settlement and forest.

For settlement, it is divided by its characteristic of housing distribution.

For agriculture, it is divided by how the people around make the plantation, the plantation has a lot of variety like rice, banana tree,

For the forest, it is divided by its kind vegetation

Existing creative

How to understant Q ... ?

How to make an proposal

How to propose someone

How to seduct a company

How to make a contract

How to legalize some thing

How to produce profit

How to make profit become interest

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

list of a lake in indonesia


Danau toba


Danau singkarak


danau maninjau


rawa pening


danau batur


danau tamblingan


115° 5'40.80"E

danau bratan


Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Ogi Gumelar

Pusat Data LAPAN, Jl. Lapan 70 Pekayon, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur





There was a successful research that has been done about image fusion where the purpose is to increase analysis of land cover quality. Even though the intensity of panchromatic will be affected by its originality, but it has been proven that fusion technique have better quality result. The result is an improvement of an image from resolution perspective with less changing any contrast differentiation for each band characteristic. A north district of Bali has been taken as an area of study because the selected area has a better morphological earth’s surface.

Keywords: Landsat 7, SPOT, Brovey , Fusion 1)  


I.                   PREFACE


Indonesia has a lot of nature resources like land, water, forestry and agricultural. Information about nature resources can be obtained directly through organization who responsible for accessing data. In general, satellites’ images have benefit because it brings data and information. For example SPOT data, this data have 1 band panchromatic with high resolution, but the other multi band has a low resolution. Also for Landsat 7 ETM + image, this data have 9 multi spectral bands and 1 band panchromatic with low spatial resolution.

The idea of this paper is to unite data between superiority of Landsat data with SPOT data, in purpose that each images can covered its weakness, from this combination then we can have a better image. This images can be processed to get a suitable information like land use or land covering information.





II.                BASIC THEORY



The meaning of “BAND” here is a wavelength that has been recorded in satellites, which each satellite have a different sensor record.


2. 1  Image Unification.

Simply, images unification can be divided into three definitions, that is :7)

2.1.1        Fusion is image unification between two images or more with a certain algorithms.

2.1.2        Merging is image unification between two images or more with some enhanced techniques and image normalization.  

2.1.3        Combination is an arrangement between several bands in one single image for some purposes.


There are few steps of unification, we can illustrate as a flow diagram in picture 1.













Picture 1.  Flow Diagram of Image Unification Steps


2. 2 Data

The first data that has to obtained is multi spectral image of Landsat 7 ETM in August 19, 2000 where path/row 116/066  with panchromatic image of SPOT 2 in August 10, 2007 where Knum/Jnum 303/366 also SPOT 4 image in July 29, 2007. Area of study is located in geographical boundary between 8º09’11,79” – 8 º 12’40,3” LS and 115 º 26’16,89” -115 º 30’10,3” BT.


2.3 Landsat 7


Multi spectral image of LANDSAT has spatial resolution 30m with several bands in each band has different characteristic: 3) 4)

1.      1th Band 0.45 – 0.52 mm: This blue band has high information about water, though it very suitable for land use like land and vegetation.

2.      2nd Band 0.52 - 0.60 mm: This green band has information about vegetation, though it is suitable for detecting roads and water but it can be use to discriminate vegetation or not. Where sick plantation can be acknowledged because the red light absorption by the chlorophyll is decreasing or the reflectance in red area is increasing so it causing leaf color turn to yellow.

3.      3rd Band 0.63 – 0.69 mm: This red band has information about differentiation between vegetation and non vegetation, it can be seen that the contrast differentiation between soil and vegetation especially in urban area.

4.      4th Band 0.76 – 0.90 mm: This Near infrared band has information about variety of plantation and differentiation between water element and soil element.

5.      5th Band 1.55 – 1.75 mm: This Short wave infrared band has information about color differentiation between uncultivated land with other objects. This band also very suitable for water content of soil study, water content in plantation, pebbles formation and geological in general.

6.      6.1th Band 6.1 10.40 -12.50 mm: This thermal infrared band has information about water content of soil, also it can discriminate humidity of soil and thermal phenomenon.

7.      6.2th Band 6.2 10.40 -12.50 mm, same with no 6

8.      7th Band 2.08 – 2.35 mm:  This short wave infrared band has information about uncultivated land as well as band 5 but this band has more information in geological study and pebbles formation.


For the ninth band where also it can be called by “panchromatic band” has spatial resolution 15m. In this study we will use ortho image of Landsat where the multi spectral from Landsat already unite by its’ panchromatic, in other hand band combination was consist of 2nd, 4th and 7th.


2.4  SPOT


SPOT-4 image satellites has four spectral with 20 m spatial resolution and it has different wavelength, for example 1th band with interval 0.50 - 0.59 mm, the 2nd band in interval 0.61 - 0.68 mm, the 3rd Band in 0.78 - 0.89 mm, and 4th Band was Short Wave Infrared in 1.58 - 1.75 mm. SPOT-4 panchromatic image is recorded using visible wave in 0,51-0,71 mm with 10m spatial resolution. SPOT-2 image has three same spectral as SPOT-4 but its’ panchromatic is recorded by visible wave in range 0,49-0,73 mm. 6)


2.5 Unification Method


Landsat 7 Image                                       Spot 4 Image           

Landsat 7 with Spot 4


Brovey Transformation method (Color normalized) is used in joining resolution of Landsat multi spectral image with resolution of SPOT panchromatic image. Before joining process start, usually we have to correct geometrically SPOT image referred to Landsat orthorectified image. Determination of ground control points is based on image analysis, it means random withdrawal based on irremovable objects like buildings, roads, intersection, river, etc, where located in superimposed images, this points withdrawal has been doing based on visible objects in scale 1:33.204.

Due to flat area was majority chosen in this area of study then interpolation we used is polynomial linear. After we have both images then we can join them by using ER Mapper software where this software has resolution merge algorithm. This algorithm is useful in joining between 14.25m spatial resolution landsat ortho multi spectral image and 10m spatial resolution SPOT panchromatic image.



III.             RESULTS

The results of fusion between SPOT and Landsat image can be used to analysis land cover area in North of Bali. The original Landsat 7 image was viewed in picture a, resolution merge between SPOT-2 with multi spectral Landsat 7 image in picture b and for the last picture (picture c) is fusion between SPOT-4 panchromatic image with Landsat 7 multi spectral image.


Picture a. Landsat 7, b. SPOT-2 fusion and c. SPOT-4 fusion

From the results it can be seen that spatial resolution of Landsat 7 has been better visually, for example like in boundary residence, agricultural field area, geological morphology, forestry, watershed, river, and other pattern objects. In fusion image resident area is rather blocky than original landsat image and also vegetation area has a contrast differentiations.

            The fusion results from both image have 10m spatial resolution in each pixel, even in water area is seen differently due to small haze in SPOT-2 and SPOT 4 image, and also a different date acquisition and sensor type.


The benefits in using this fusion method are:

  1. We can have a better image because there are several surplus from both image
  2. Even though Brovey transformation methods affect color system in each band inputs from Landsat 7 but it doesn’t changes any contrast differentiation in each characteristic and also spatial resolution become improved.
  3. To avoid limited data or to increase economic efficiency


The weakness points using this fusion are

1.      Both of images have different swath

2.      Both images have different acquisition date, incident angle, nature condition and also cloud position.

3.      Spectral information from Landsat becomes decrease due to intensity level from SPOT as panchromatic image.



IV.              CONCLUSION


From fusion process we can conclude that:

1.        The reason why using LAndsat 5 was better for this fusion method due to Landsat 5 doesn’t have high resolution band.

2.        There are several fusion techniques that can be used to optimize quality of image.

3.        Fusion image between high resolution (IKONOS and QUICKBIRD) with multispectral data (like SPOT, Landsat, MODIS, etc) that we can use as secondary document in land cover delineation.

4.        We can also using data ALOS for alternative ways.

This conclusion only based on analysis of writer in several images and variety of image quality.

Thanks to


The writer wants to say thank to all member whose have supporting this study exclusively in remote sensing environment and


Daftar  Pustaka

1)      Jorge N´u˜nez, Xavier Otazu, Octavi Fors, Albert Prades, Vicen¸c Pal`a, and Rom´an Arbiol. 1999. Multiresolution-Based Image Fusion with Additive Wavelet Decomposition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 37, NO. 3, MAY 1999, pp:1204-1211

2)      Gonzalez, Rafael C, 2001. Digital Image Processing/Richards E Woods. Prentice Hall, Inc.

3)      Berita Inderaja Volume V, No.10, Desember 2006 PUSDATA LAPAN

4)      Berita Inderaja Volume VI, No.11, Juli 2007 PUSDATA LAPAN

5)      Penginderaan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra. PUSDATA LAPAN dan UNNESS

6)      F. Sri Hardiyanti Purwadhi, 2001. Interpretasi Citra Digital. PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

7)      Lillesand, T.M, Kiefer R.W., 1993. Penginderaan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra. Yogyakarta;Gadjah Mada University Press.

8)      Sutanto, 1994. Penginderaan Jauh Jilid 1 dan 2. Yogyakarta:Gadjah Mada University Press.

9)      Lucien Wald, Some Terms of Reference in Data Fusion. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 37, NO. 3, MAY 1999. pp: 1190-1193

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ogi Gumelar
Pusat Data LAPAN, Jl. Lapan 70 Pekayon, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur


There was a successful research that has been done about image fusion whereas the purpose is to increase land cover quality analytic. Even though the intensity of panchromatic will be affected by comparing its originality, but it has been proven that fusion technique have better quality result. The result is an improvement of image quality from resolution perspective with less changing any contrast differentiation for each band characteristic. A north district of Bali has been taken as an area of study because the selected area has a better morphological earth’s surface.
Keywords: Landsat 7, SPOT, Brovey , Fusion 1)


Seperti diketahui, Indonesia memiliki berbagai sumber daya alam yang sangat kaya, baik dari segi sumber daya pertambangan, perairan, kehutanan maupun pertanian. Informasi mengenai sumber daya alam dapat diperoleh di instansi maupun organisasi yang terkait atau dengan langsung menganalisa data olahan citra satelit.
Pada umumnya, citra satelit memiliki nilai kelebihan maupun kekurangan. Seperti halnya citra satelit SPOT yang mempunyai 1 “band” pankromatik dengan resolusi spasial tinggi, namun diketahui bahwa resolusi spektralnya rendah, sebaliknya untuk citra satelit LANDSAT 7 ETM memiliki 8 “band” dengan resolusi spektral per pikselnya tinggi, namun resolusi spasialnya justru rendah. Oleh karena itu, timbul pemikiran, bagaimana seandainya kedua citra satelit ini digabungkan, dengan harapan bahwa masing-masing kelemahan bisa terkompensasi, sehinga kita bisa mendapatkan data yang relatif lebih “baik” sifatnya, sehinga dengan data tersebut diolah untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih memadai. Tujuan utama adalah untuk mendapatkan citra satelit yang dapat memberikan data lebih ter “enhanced”, khususnya apabila digunakan untuk menganalisa tutupan lahan.

Yang dimaksudkan dengan “band” dalam citra di sini adalah saluran panjang gelombang direkam oleh satelit, dimana masing-masing satelit memiliki perbedaan sensor perekaman.

2. 1 Penggabungan citra.
Secara sederhana penggabungan citra secara definisi ada 3, yaitu : 7)
2.1.1 Fusion adalah penggabungan antara dua citra atau lebih yang dijadikan menjadi suatu citra yang baru dengan menggunakan beberapa algoritma tertentu.
2.1.2 Merging adalah penggabungan dengan pemahaman bahwa dua citra atau lebih yang dijadikan satu dengan teknik penajaman dan penormalan citra tertentu.
2.1.3 Combination adalah penggabungan beberapa band dalam suatu citra multi untuk suatu tujuan tertentu.
Adapun langkah-langkah penggabungan yang dimaksud, secara diagram alir bisa diilustrasikan seperti pada gambar 1.

Gambar 1. Diagram Alir langkah penggabungan citra

2. 2 Data
Data yang digunakan adalah citra multispektral Landsat 7 ETM tanggal 19 Agustus 2000 path/row 116/066 dengan citra pankromatik SPOT 2 tanggal 10 Agustus 2007 Knum/Jnum 303/366 serta citra SPOT 4 tanggal 29 Juli 2007. Area studi ini terletak pada batas geografi 8º09’11,79” – 8 º 12’40,3” LS dan 115 º 26’16,89” -115 º 30’10,3” BT.

2.3 Landsat 7
Citra multi spektral Landsat dengan resolusi spasial 30m memiliki beberapa band yang karakteristiknya berbeda-beda: 3) 4)
1. Band 1 0.45 – 0.52 m: Band biru ini memiliki informasi yang tinggi terhadap tubuh air jadi sangat sesuai untuk penggunaan lahan, tanah dan vegetasi.
2. Band 2 0.52 - 0.60 m: Band hijau ini memiliki informasi mengenai vegetasi selain cocok untuk penggunaan lahan, jalan dan air namun sesuai pula untuk diskriminasi dan assesmen vegetasi. Dimana tanaman-tanaman yang kurang sehat dapat diketahui karena absorbsi cahaya merah oleh klorofil menurun atau refleksi pada daerah merah naik sehingga menyebabkan daun berwarna kuning
3. Band 3 0.63 – 0.69 m: Band merah ini memiliki informasi mengenai perbedaan antara vegetasi dan non vegetasi, misalnya dapat dilihat adanya perbedaan antara vegetasi dengan tanah khususnya pada daerah urban.
4. Band 4 0.76 – 0.90 m: Band inframerah dekat ini memiliki informasi mengenai varietas tanam-tanaman serta adanya perbedaan antara unsur air dengan unsur tanah, oleh karena itu dapat dilihat garis pantai dengan jelas.
5. Band 5 1.55 – 1.75 m: Band inframerah gelombang pendek ini memiliki informasi mengenai perbedaan warna antara tanah terbuka dengan objek-objek lain. Band ini sesuai untuk studi kandungan air tanah, air pada tanam-tanaman, formasi batu-batuan dan geologi pada umumnya
6. Band 6 10.40 -12.50 m: Band inframerah thermal ini memiliki informasi tentang studi kandungan air tanah, serta dapat membedakan kelembaban tanah dan fenomena-fenomena thermal.
7. Band 7 2.08 – 2.35 m: Band inframerah gelombang pendek ini memiliki informasi mengenai tanah terbuka sama halnya dengan band 5 akan tetapi lebih mengacu pada studi geologi maupun formasi batu-batuan.

Sedangkan untuk band 8 atau sering disebut band pankromatik memilki resolusi spasial 15m. Citra Landsat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah citra Landsat ortho 14,25m dimana sudah digabungkan antara multispektral dengan pankromatiknya serta kombinasi band yang digunakan hanya band 7, 4 dan 2.

2.4 SPOT
Untuk citra SPOT-4 yang menggunakan empat kanal spektral resolusi spasial 20m dan panjang gelombang yang berbeda-beda yaitu Band 1 pada jangkauan 0.50 - 0.59 m, Band 2 pada 0.61 - 0.68 m, Band 3 pada 0.78 - 0.89 m, dan Band 4 pada inframerah gelombang pendek (Short Wave Infrared) 1.58 - 1.75 m. Citra pankromatik SPOT-4 direkam menggunakan panjang gelombang tampak (0,51-0,71 m) dengan resolusi spasial 10m, sedangkan untuk citra SPOT-2 menggunakan tiga kanal spektral sama yaitu band 1, 2 dan 3, dimana citra pankromatik SPOT-2 direkam menggunakan panjang gelombang tampak (0,49-0,73 m) dengan resolusi spasial 10m. 6)

2.5 Metoda penggabungan
Citra Landsat 7 Citra Spot 4

Landsat 7 dengan Spot 4

Menggabungkan resolusi citra multi spektral Landsat dengan citra pankromatik SPOT dilakukan dengan metode tranformasi Brovey (menormalkan warna). Sebelum proses penggabungan dilakukan terlebih dahulu koreksi geometri terhadap SPOT dengan mengacu pada citra Landsat yang sudah terorthorektifikasi. Pengambilan titik kontrol tanah (Ground Control Point) berdasarkan pada analisa citra, maksudnya pengambilan secara acak berdasarkan obyek yang terlihat dimana posisi obyek tidak berubah (misal bangunan, bahu jalan, persimpangan, garis pantai, delta sungai, dan obyek lainnya yang tidak memiliki perubahan signifikan) pada kedua citra yang akan di sesuaikan (superimposed), akan tetapi pengambilan titik ini akan sulit ditentukan karena skala area yang dipilih tidak terlalu besar. Posisi titik tersebut diambil berdasarkan obyek yang terlihat pada skala 1:33.204.
Pada tahap penyesuaian dapat dilakukan pengambilan citra dengan mayoritas area permukaan tanahnya cukup rata sehingga sebagian kecil saja daerah yang memiliki tingkat ketinggian yang berbeda seperti lembah, bukit atau gunung. Setelah dilakukan koreksi geometrik kemudian akan diambil kombinasi band 742 dari citra Landsat, kombinasi band 742 ini memang sesuai dengan identifikasi penutup lahan. Sedangkan untuk citra SPOT yang diambil hanya band pankromatiknya saja karena band tersebut akan digunakan untuk menajamkan batas-batas penutup lahan secara spasial pada citra Landsat.
Setelah mendapatkan kedua citra tersebut kemudian dapat kita gabungkan dengan menggunakan Software ER Mapper 7.0, software ini memiliki resolution merge algorithm yang dapat menggabungkan antara citra multispektral landsat ortho resolusi spasial 14,25m dengan pankromatik SPOT resolusi 10m.

Dari hasil penggabungan citra SPOT dan LANDSAT 7 – ETM dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa areal luasan tutupan lahan di sebagian utara daerah Bali. Landsat 7 asli ditampilkan pada gambar a, penggabungan resolusi antara citra pankromatik SPOT-2 dengan citra multispektral Landsat 7 kombinasi 742 pada gambar b, sedangkan untuk citra pankromatik SPOT-4 dengan citra multispektral Landsat 7 kombinasi 742 pada gambar c.

Gambar a. Landsat 7, b. SPOT-2 gabungan dan c. SPOT-4 gabungan
Dari hasil yang didapat, terlihat bahwa resolusi Landsat 7 sudah membaik secara visual terhadap batas-batas permukiman, garis pantai, areal pertanian, bentuk gunung, hutan, lekukan sungai. Misalnya untuk areal permukiman lebih terlihat membuat suatu blok jika dibandingkan dari citra Landsat aslinya, kemudian untuk areal vegetasi lebih terlihat kontras perbedaanya.
Hasil gabungan kedua citra memiliki resolusi 10m tiap pixelnya, walau daerah laut terlihat berbeda dikarenakan awan tipis yang dimiliki SPOT-2 dengan SPOT 4 berbeda selain itu tanggal dan jenis sensor berbeda pula.

Kelebihan menggunakan cara penggabungan
1. Didapatkannya citra yang lebih baik karena memiliki keunggulan dari citra Landsat dan SPOT.
2. Walaupun Transformasi Brovey mempengaruhi sistem pewarnaan pada masing-masing input band dari Landsat 7 (RGB 742) tetapi tidak merubah perbedaan yang kontras pada setiap karakteristiknya serta resolusinya dapat menjadi lebih baik.
3. Mendapatkan citra di suatu wilayah yang citranya tidak tersedia untuk penutup lahan (misal hanya ada landsat 5 saja yang tidak ada band pankromatik atau citra berawan, landsat 7 dengan (scan line corrector) slc off, keterbatasan data, efisiensi anggaran pembelian citra, atau hal lainnya).

Kelemahan menggunakan cara penggabungan
1. Lebar cakupan (swath) yang berbeda antara kedua citra,
2. Perbedaan tanggal mempengaruhi perbedaan sudut, kondisi alam dan posisi awan.
3. Berkurangnya informasi spektral dari citra Landsat dikarenakan tingkat intensitas dari citra pankromatik SPOT.


Dari hasil penggabungan citra dapat disimpulkan bahwa :
1. Alasan menggunakan citra Landsat 5 karena citra terbaru akan lebih mudah didapatkan serta menghindari adanya perbedan waktu perekaman. Selain itu perbedaan resolusi spasial dapat di restorasi lebih baik dengan menggunakan metode penggabungan ini.
2. Adanya teknik-teknik gabungan lainnya (misal algoritma yang ada pada ER Mapper atau software pengolahan lainnya) dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan kualitas dari citra yang digabungkan.
3. Penggabungan antara citra resolusi tinggi (misal foto udara, ikonos atau quickbird) dengan citra multispektral (seperti SPOT atau Landsat) dapat digunakan sebagai pendukung dalam delineasi tutupan lahan.
4. Penggunaan alternatif citra lainnya seperti citra ALOS
Kesimpulan ini berdasarkan analisis beberapa citra yang diperoleh sebagai penelitian jadi tidak berdasarkan keseluruhan citra Landsat dan SPOT serta kualitas citra yang berbeda-beda mempengaruhi analisa penelitian ini.

Ucapan Terima Kasih
Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada segenap tim Pusdata LAPAN yang telah banyak membantu secara teknis maupun teoritis, rekan akademisi UI, Bapak Sunartoto Gunadi selaku pembimbing penulis serta rekan lain yang tidak dapat penulis sebutkan dalam tulisan ini.

Daftar Pustaka
1) Jorge N´u˜nez, Xavier Otazu, Octavi Fors, Albert Prades, Vicen¸c Pal`a, and Rom´an Arbiol. 1999. Multiresolution-Based Image Fusion with Additive Wavelet Decomposition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 37, NO. 3, MAY 1999, pp:1204-1211
2) Gonzalez, Rafael C, 2001. Digital Image Processing/Richards E Woods. Prentice Hall, Inc.
3) Berita Inderaja Volume V, No.10, Desember 2006 PUSDATA LAPAN
4) Berita Inderaja Volume VI, No.11, Juli 2007 PUSDATA LAPAN
5) Penginderaan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra. PUSDATA LAPAN dan UNNESS
6) F. Sri Hardiyanti Purwadhi, 2001. Interpretasi Citra Digital. PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
7) Lillesand, T.M, Kiefer R.W., 1993. Penginderaan Jauh dan Interpretasi Citra. Yogyakarta;Gadjah Mada University Press.
8) Sutanto, 1994. Penginderaan Jauh Jilid 1 dan 2. Yogyakarta:Gadjah Mada University Press.
9) Lucien Wald, Some Terms of Reference in Data Fusion. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 37, NO. 3, MAY 1999. pp: 1190-1193

Sunday, January 11, 2009