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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hadits shahih muslim, page 182

From Abu Hurairah r.a., said:" Rasulullah say that Bani Israil usually take a bath naked in open air where each other can see each ...(aurat), while prophet Musa a.s take a bath with no other people except himself, there for bani israil say " We must bring Musa to take a bath with us except he has some illness **.

And while ago Musa a.s take a bath and his clothes was put on a rock, then suddenly the rock escape and bring Musa's clothes.

Rasulullah s.a.w say that " Then Musa chase that rock with his all power while also say " My clothes rock!" " My clothes hey you rock", where finally all of people from bani Israil see all of Musa's body.
Then people of bani Israil say " In the name of Allah S.W.T Musa doesn't have any illness".
And the rock get up (lives) so that a lot of people see truly situation of Musa.

Rasulullah s.a.w say " Then Musa take his clothes and hit the rock"

Abu Hurairah r.a say " In the name of Allah , it is reality that rock has a several strikes from Prophet of Musa a.s (six or seven hit)"

** two big of his testicles"

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