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Thursday, August 28, 2008


venom versus carnage sketched

street fighter


ultraman, spiderman, robocop

my pics

pria bertopeng (mask man)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

jadwal piala eropa

RCTI 8 Juni Minggu 00.00 A Swiss vs Republik Ceko
Global 8 Juni Minggu 02.45 A Portugal vs Turki
TPI 9 Juni Senin 00.00 B Austria vs Kroasia
RCTI 9 Juni Senin 02.45 B Jerman vs Polandia
Global 10 Juni Selasa 00.00 C Rumania vs Prancis
TPI 10 Juni Selasa 02.45 C Belanda vs Italia
RCTI 11 Juni Rabu 00.00 D Spanyol vs Rusia
Global 11 Juni Rabu 02.45 D Swedia vs Yunani
TPI 12 Juni Kamis 00.00 A Republik Ceko vs Portugal
RCTI 12 Juni Kamis 02.45 A Swiss vs Turki
Global 13 Juni Jumat 00.00 B Kroasia vs Jerman
TPI 13 Juni Jumat 02.45 B Austria vs Polandia
RCTI 14 Juni Sabtu 00.00 C Italia vs Rumania
Global 14 Juni Sabtu 02.45 C Prancis vs Belanda
TPI 15 Juni Minggu 00.00 D Swedia vs Spanyol
RCTI 15 Juni Minggu 02.45 D Yunani vs Rusia
Global 16 Juni Senin 02.45 A Swiss vs Portugal
TPI 16 Juni Senin 02.45 A Turki vs Republik Ceko
RCTI 17 Juni Selasa 02.45 B Polandia vs Kroasia
Global 17 Juni Selasa 02.45 B Jerman vs Austria
TPI 18 Juni Rabu 02.45 C Belanda vs Rumania
RCTI 18 Juni Rabu 02.45 C Italia vs Prancis
Global 19 Juni Kamis 02.45 D Yunani vs Spanyol
TPI 19 Juni Jumat 02.45 D Rusia vs Swedia
RCTI 20 Juni Jumat 02.45 Perempatfinal Winner A vs Runner-up B
Global 21 Juni Sabtu 02.45 Perempatfinal Winner B vs Runner-up A
TPI 22 Juni Minggu 02.45 Perempatfinal Winner C vs Runner-up D
RCTI 23 Juni Senin 02.45 Perempatfinal Winner D vs Runner-up C
Global 25 Juni Rabu 02.45 Semifinal Winner 25 vs Winner 26
TPI 26 Juni Kamis 02.45 Semifinal Winner 27 vs Winner 28
RCI 29 Juni Senin 02.45 Final Winner 29 vs Winner 30

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Pertama-tama kenalkan nama saya Denny Karuniawan, mahasiswa tingkat
jurusan Sistem Informasi (FTif) ITS Surabaya.
Saat ini saya sedang berkonsentrasi menyelesaikan tugas akhir yang
topiknya saya ambil dari sebuah jurnal international(paper) IEEE yang
diajukan tahun 2007 kemaren.yang judulnya "Improving classifier fusion
using Particle Swarm Optimization"
Berkenaan dengan konsep fusi atau biasa disebut dengan fusion (pada
permasalahan2 klasifikasi), ada beberapa hal yang sebenernya ingin saya
diskusikan , berhubung tidak adanya (masih kurang jelasnya
definisi&referensi) konsep dasar tentang fusion itu sendiri.Ada
hal yang saat ini masih 'menggantung' dalam pikiran saya :
- Bagaimana sebenarnya konsep fusi itu sendiri (menurut anda)
- Mengapa perlu dilakukan proses fusi , apakah hanya dengan mengimprove
satu metode saja tidak cukup (sebagai contoh : ada banyak komponen
classifer, seperti neural network,hidden markov model, decision tree
dll,)kenapa kita susah-susah harus melakukan fusion , kenapa tidak
mengimprove atau melakukan optimasi atau memilih metode yang lebih
baik(katakanlah pada neural network)

Besar harapan saya agar kiranya abang bersedia memberikan pendapat pada
pertanyaan saya , saya tunggu balasannya...
Terima kasih

Terima Kasih atas pertanyaannya. Sebelumnya saya jelaskan bahwa jawaban yang saya berikan tidak mutlak harus abang terima, karena jawaban ini berdasarkan pengetahuan saya saja dan mengambil informasi dari berbagai sumber seperti buku digital image processing, wikipedia serta informasi (help) dari software-software image processing yang pernah saya gunakan.
Pertama, menurut saya konsep fusi (dalam konteks image processing) itu adalah penggabungan dua atau lebih citra dengan tujuan memperbaiki salah satu citra yang memiliki kekurangan, misal nya dari contoh paper yang saya review adalah citra landsat dengan kelebihan multispektral tetapi memiliki resolusi yang rendah kemudian digabungkan dengan citra spot yang memiliki ketajaman resolusi. Maka akan didapatkan citra gabungan sebagai berikut: citra multispektral (dari landsat) dan memiliki resolusi tinggi (dari spot).

Kedua, proses fusi yang saya bahas kebetulan merupakan paper yang saya review saat kuliah, dan untuk metode lainnya belum sempat saya coba, kemungkinan jika memiliki waktu luang saya akan coba metode neural network. Terima kasih atas sarannya.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Gives course about determining of fish forecasting ground

The course purpose is held on 31 March 2008 untill 11 April 2008. As the chief of remote sensing division in LAPAN, Mr Nurhidayat open the course in Training room of LAPAN Remote sensing division, Jakarta, on Monday ( the first day).

Member of this course is about 15 people (contain of staff from Macres, DKP, Diponegoro University and LAPAN). The material of the course is covered in theory understanding, Visiting Data product and distribution also to the earth resources station, field surveying in Indramayu, presentation and discussion, planning for collaboration in the future.
The lecturer mostly come from LAPAN staff but other come from DKP and Politeknik Pertanian negeri pangkep. This exhibition also to strengthen relationship between LAPAN and MACRES. LAPAN and MACRES also plan to do some workshops which be held in Malaysia which have been agreed to by the chief of MACRES.
More completed information you can see website in LAPAN or in MACRES

(LAPAN Public Relation/Hen)

Translate in Indonesia (ERMAPPER Tutorial)

Menggunakan formula, pada bagian ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana menggunakan formula dalam ERMAPPER untuk melakukan operasi matematika pada satu atau lebih data citra. Kita akan mempelajari bagaimana untuk membuat dan mengubah formula dan menggunakan formula standard an fungsi formula dalam ERMAPPER.

Mengenai proses formula
Formula biasanya digunakan dalam pengolahan citra untuk mengekstrak/eksploitasi informasi yang terkandung dalam dua atau lebih band/kanal. Proses formula dapat berisi dari yang hanya operasi pengurangan data threshold sederhana sampai dengan kondisi pengujian/penyaringan kompleks yang berisi “if then else” untuk model raster spasial.

Proses formula adalah “operasi titik” dalam pengolahan citra karena formula-formula tersebut menggunakan fungsi matematika pada masing-masing piksel di citra.

Penggunaan formula yang umum terjadi dalam pengolahan citra ilmu bumi adalah:
 pengurangan dimensi dari data multiband (misal Principal Components Analysis(PCA))
 Ekstraksi informasi tematik dari data multiband (misal indeks vegetasi atau rasio avilyn (iron oxide)
 Peggabungan citra dengan karakteristik yang berbeda ( fusi data)
 Pemrosesan data yang sama pada cara yang berbeda dan mengkombinasikannya fitur spesifik yang tertutup (seperti fitur edge atau seismic azimuth)
 Mengisolasi kisaran data spesifik atau area geografis yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan threshold, region masking (daerah poligon) dan fungsi lainnya
 Koreksi untuk efek atmosfir, sudut sinar matahari, vinyet pada satelit optic atau data airbone

Proses formula dalam ERMAPPER

Banyak jenis dari transformasi data dapat diimplementasikan dalam ERMAPPER menggunakan proses formula. Ini termasuk dengan tresholding, penggabungan data, pembedaan data dan rasio, PCA, transformasi tasseled cap, derivative (turunan), dan lainnya.

Oleh karena formula adalah bagian dari proses algoritma maka kita dapat melihat hasilnya dalam sekejap (realtime) dan secara interaktif memodifikasi formula tersebut secara update. Sebaliknya produksi konvensional(tradisional) mengharuskan kita untuk menyimpan hasil proses dari formula ke suatu disk selain itu menyulitkan kita dalam melakukan eksperimen.

ER Mapper menyediakan kumpulan operator dan fungsi standar yang lengkap untuk direferensikan dalam formula. Kita juga dapat menggunakan statistic citra, fungsi special serta fungsi yang dapat kita definisikan sendiri dalam bahasa C.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Palapa (disambiguation).
Palapa was a series of communication satellites owned by Telkom, an Indonesian telecommunication company. Its well-known satellite is Palapa B2, which was launched from the Space Shuttle, but failed to reach orbit and was salvaged with a second Shuttle mission.

The program was started in February 1975, when the government of Indonesia awarded the contract for two satellites to Boeing. The name Palapa was chosen by president Suharto and means 'fruits of labor'.

The name Palapa also alludes to "Sumpah Palapa" the oath taken by Gajah Mada, a 14th century Prime Minister of the Javanese Majapahit Empire described in the Pararaton (Book of Kings). Gajah Mada swore that he would not taste any spice, as long as he had not succeeded in unifying Nusantara (the Indonesian archipelago). By referring to this ancient oath of unification, the Palapa satellite series was also identified as the modern means to unify Indonesia[citation needed].

As the first developing country to operate its own domestic satellite system in the mid seventies, Indonesia has consistently taken the steps necessary for developing its existing geostationary satellite system for multiple services, safeguarding its global orbital allocation on an equitable first come first served basis, and embracing emerging satellite communication systems (including non-geostationary ones) expected to yet emerge from their lingering stage.

Contents [hide]
1 Application
2 Series A
3 Series B
4 Series C
5 Telkom series
6 Series D
7 External links
8 Footnotes and Sources

[edit] Application
The generation of Palapa Satellite had been launched to fulfil the communication line in Indonesia that day by day keeps on increasing. Palapa Satellite becomes foundation continually for communication system in this biggest archipelago country. To make this satellite keep on working longer, high quality is needed. The type of microelectronic technology in this satellite determines the work of Palapa to run its task.

One of the applications is news broadcasting by digital satellite (DSNG). This technology has been developed for five years so that news in voice and video form are able to be broadcasted from one place to another. The development of technology is affected by the advance of satellite. To use DSNG application, TV broadcaster must rent minimum 9 MHz to delay video program or audio stereo with notification for a long term using.

For Broadcasting Satellite Services, Indonesia registered the connection line in the early 1990s to ITU. INDOSTAR-1 is a Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS) system that has been set up and has run operationally since 1997.

[edit] Series A
Two identical satellites were built by Hughes (now Boeing Satellite Systems). Each of the HS-333 weighted 574 kg.

Palapa A1 July 8, 1976 Cape Canaveral, Pad LC-17A Delta-2914
Palapa A2 March 3, 1977 Cape Canaveral, Pad LC-17A Delta-2914

[edit] Series B

Astronaut Dale Gardner holds up a "For Sale" sign after Palapa B2 was recovered.Altogether four satellites of the second series were built. They were all of the type Hughes HS-376. When the launch of Palapa B2 failed, a third satellite was ordered. Originally named Palapa B3 and scheduled for STS-61-H, it was finally launched as Palapa B2P. Meanwhile Palapa B2 was retrieved by STS-51-A, refurbished and relaunched later as Palapa B2R.

Palapa B1 June 6, 1983 STS-7
Palapa B2 February 3, 1984 STS-41-B
Palapa B2P March 20, 1987 Cape Canaveral, Pad LC-17B Delta-3920 PAM-D
Palapa B2R April 13, 1990 Cape Canaveral, Pad LC-17B Delta-6925-8
Palapa B4 May 13, 1992 Cape Canaveral, Pad LC-17B Delta-7925-8

[edit] Series C
Two satellites of the HS-601 type were launched in 1996. As C1 had some battery problems, it became an insurance claim and Hughes bought back the satellite. With reduced availability it was then used by several other customers.

Palapa C1 February 1, 1996 Cape Canaveral, Pad LC-36B Atlas-2AS
Palapa C2 May 16, 1996 Kourou ELA-2 Ariane-44L H10-3

[edit] Telkom series
TELKOM-1 Augustus 21 1999 Kourou ELA-2 Ariane 42P Rocket
TELKOM-2 November 2, 2005 Kourou ELA-2 Ariane 5 ECA Rocket

[edit] Series D
In 2009, Indosat will launch the D series to replace Palapa C2. This US$ 200 million satellite will have more transponder than its predessesors (40 transponder, C2 only has 36). 40 % of its transponder will be used by Indosat for their own purpose while the other 60 % will be rented to others. It will be placed in the same orbit as the C2.

Indosat will use Palapa D for their broadband internet service (IM2) with Ku-band technology (12/14 GHz). In 2006, their total income increase about 12, 3 %. Hopefully, with the new satellite coming up, the company will earn more profit form multimedia, internet, and communication bussiness.

2007, June 29: Indosat Tbk order[1] to Thales Alenia Space Palapa-D, a Spacebus™ 4000B3, to be built in the Cannes Mandelieu Space Center, France

Palapa Ring

Dari Wikipedia Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas berbahasa Indonesia.
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari

PALAPA RING (Perkembangan Teknologi Kabel di Indonesia)

Palapa Ring adalah suatu proyek pembangunan jaringan serat optik nasional yang akan menjangkau sebanyak 33 provinsi, 440 kota/kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia dengan total panjang kabel laut mencapai 35.280 kilometer, dan kabel di daratan adalah sejauh 21.807 kilometer.

Daftar isi [sembunyikan]
1 Pendahuluan
2 Serat Optik
3 Palapa Ring
3.1 Sejarah
3.2 Deskripsi
3.3 Pembangunan Palapa Ring
4 Pranala luar
5 Referensi

Sistem komunikasi di era digital ini, menuntut adanya efisiensi dalam pengriman informasi dari narasumber kepada penerima. Efisiensi itu berupa kecepatan waktu dalam pengiriman pesan. Perkembangan komunikasi yang menuntut adanya efisiensi waktu ini, kemudian mendorong para ahli untuk menemukan teknologi-teknologi perantara baru yang dapat memfasilitasi keinginan-keinginan tersebut. Kabel menjadi salah satu benda yang disorot. Pengembangan tembaga menjadi serat optik menjadi salah satu temuan mutakhir yang meningkatkan efisiensi waktu dalam sistem komunikasi. Dengan serat optik, narasumber dapat mengirimkan informasi dengan kapasitas yang besar baik itu besaran data maupun kecepatan.

Perubahan yang fenomenal ini telah membawa sebuah revolusi dalam komunikasi. Dengan perubahan ini, keterbukaan informasi dapat memberikan dampak yang baik bagi bangsa dan negara. Melalui sistem komunikasi yang baik, pemerintah dan rakyatnya akan terhubung satu dengan yang lainnya dalam rangka saling memberikan masukan.

Serat Optik
Serat optik adalah saluran transmisi yang terbuat dari kaca atau plastik yang digunakan untuk mentransmisikan sinyal cahaya dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain. Cahaya yang ada di dalam serat optik sulit keluar karena indeks bias dari kaca lebih besar daripada indeks bias dari udara. Sumber cahaya yang digunakan adalah laser karena mempunyai spektrum yang sangat sempit. Kecepatan transmisi serat optik sangat tinggi sehingga sangat bagus digunakan sebagai saluran komunikasi. Serat optik umumnya digunakan dalam sistem telekomunikasi serta dalam pencahayaan, sensor, dan optik pencitraan.

Serat optik terdiri dari 2 bagian, yaitu cladding dan core. Cladding adalah selubung dari core. Cladding mempunyai indeks bias lebih rendah dari pada core. Nantinya, bagian core ini akan memantulkan kembali cahaya yang mengarah keluar dari core kembali kedalam core lagi. Sebagai catatan, efisiensi dari serat optik ditentukan oleh kemurnian dari bahan penyusun gelas. Semakin murni bahan gelas, semakin sedikit cahaya yang diserap oleh serat optik.

Reliabilitas dari serat optik dapat ditentukan dengan satuan BER atau Bit Error Rate. Salah satu ujung serat optik diberi masukan data tertentu dan ujung yang lain mengolah data itu. Dengan intensitas laser yang rendah dan dengan panjang serat mencapai beberapa km, maka akan menghasilkan kesalahan. Jumlah kesalahan persatuan waktu tersebut dinamakan BER. Dengan diketahuinya BER maka, jumlah kesalahan pada serat optik yang sama dengan panjang yang berbeda dapat diperkirakan besarnya.

Palapa Ring
“Selama aku belum menyatukan Nusantara, aku takkan menikmati palapa. Sebelum aku menaklukkan Pulau Gurun, Pulau Seram, Tanjungpura, Pulau Haru, Pulau Pahang, Pulau Dompo, Pulau Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, aku takkan mencicipi palapa."

(Sumpah Palapa - Patih Gajah Mada)

Terinspirasi oleh sejarah bangsa, pemerintah Indonesia menggunakan “Palapa Ring” sebagai nama proyek pembangunan infrastruktur jaringan tulang punggung bagi telekomunikasi nasional. Cikal bakal dari Palapa Ring adalah ”Nusantara 21” yang merupakan proyek awal pemerintah pada 1998. Namun, krisis ekonomi yang melanda Indonesia membuat proyek tersebut tidak berjalan. Januari 2005, pada ajang Infrastructure Summit I, wacana pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi kembali mencuat ke permukaan.

Setelah Nusantara 21 tenggelam, muncul ide Cincin Serat Optik Nasional (CSO-N) yang diprakarsai oleh PT Tiara Titian Telekomunikasi (TT-Tel). Aplikasi tersebut merupakan jaringan kabel kasar bawah laut berbentuk cincin terintegrasi berisi frekuensi pita lebar yang membentang dari Sumatra Utara hingga Papua bagian barat dengan perkiraan panjang sekitar 25.000 km. Setiap cincin akan meneruskan akses frekuensi pita lebar dari satu titik ke titik lainnya di setiap kabupaten. Akses tersebut akan mendukung jaringan serat optik pita lebar berkecepatan tinggi dengan kapasitas 300 gbps hingga 1.000 gbps di daerah tersebut.

Pemerintah kemudian mempopulerkan gagasan tersebut dengan nama Palapa O2 Ring. Akan tetapi karena mirip dengan merek dagang salah satu ponsel, pemerintah merubah nama proyek serat optik ini menjadi Palapa Ring.

Palapa Ring adalah suatu proyek pembangunan jaringan serat optik nasional yang akan menjangkau sebanyak 33 provinsi, 440 kota/kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia dengan total panjang kabel laut mencapai 35.280 kilometer, sedangkan kabel di daratan adalah sejauh 21.807 kilometer.

Rencana pemerintah, Palapa Ring merupakan jaringan serat optik pita lebar yang berbentuk cincin yang mengitari tujuh pulau, yakni Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku, dan Papua, serta delapan jaringan penghubung dan satu cincin besar yang mengelilingi Indonesia baik lewat dasar laut atau pun lewat daratan.

Berdasarkan tulisan Direktur Jendral Pos dan Telekomunikasi, Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, pada Desember 2007, “Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi”, manfaat Palapa Ring bagi pembangunan Indonesia adalah :

ketersediaan layanan komunikasi dari voice hingga broadband sampai seluruh kota/kabupaten
akan terjadi efisiensi investasi yang akan mendorong tarif telekomunikasi semakin murah
terjadi percepatan pembangunan dalam sektor komunikasi khususnya di Indonesia Bagian Timur, dan akan mendorong bertumbuhnya varian penyelenggara jasa telekomunikasi dan jasanya.
keberadaan aplikasi seperti distance learning, telemedicine, e-goverment, dan aplikasi lainnya, dapat diimplementasikan hingga mencapai kota/kabupaten.
Sebagai tambahan, harapan pemerintah adalah setelah pembangunan Palapa Ring selesai, kapasitas e-learning sebesar 155 mega meningkat hingga 300 giga.

Pembangunan Palapa Ring
Sebelumnya, proyek Palapa Ring dimulai dengan penandatangan hasil konsorsium untuk pembangunan jaringan serat optik di Kawasan Indonesia Timur (KIT) pada Jumat 5 Juli 2007 oleh tujuh operator telekomunikasi. Perusahaan operator telekomunikasi yang terlibat itu PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk, PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, PT Indosat Tbk, PT Infokom Elektrindo, PT Macca System Infocom, PT Powertek Utama Internusa, dan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom). Pembangunan serat optik di KIT adalah sepanjang 10.000 kilometer yang dimulai pada 2008 dan memakan biaya Rp 4 triliun.

Setelah itu, tender Palapa Ring skala nasioanal dibuka kembali oleh pemerintah pada Oktober 2007 yang sebelumnya di dahului oleh penyelesaian dokumen tender pada September. Setelah penandatanganan kontrak dengan para pemenang tender pada November 2007, pembangunan dilakukan pada pertengahan 2008 dan diprediksikan selesai 2013.

Investasi pembangunan Palapa Ring sepenuhnya berasal dari operator telekomunikasi anggota konsorsium, tidak ada dana yang berasal dari Anggaran Pembangunan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Dalam proyek pembangunan Palapa Ring tersebut porsi investasi Telkom sebesar 40%, sedangkan anggota konsorsium lainnya sebesar 13,3%, kecuali satu anggota konsorsium sekitar 6,4%. Dengan penyertaan dana 40%, Telkom mendapatkan kuota kapasitas terbesar yakni setara 40 Gbps dari total kapasitas Palapa Ring sekitar 85 Gbps. - -

Saturday, April 5, 2008

[Germany] PhD positions in Mathematics at University of Hannover

The DFG Research Training Group "Analysis, Geometry and String Theory" is offering six PhD positions in Mathematics/ Physics starting from 01 October, 2008.

The appointments are limited to two years. An extension for one year is possible. Candidates will have the opportunity to work towards a doctoral degree in Analysis, Geometry or Mathematical Physics. Applicants are expected to hold a Master`s degree or a Diplom in Mathematics or Physics. The successful applicants are expected to contribute to the teaching programme of the research training group.

As an equal opportunities employer, Leibniz Universität Hannover wishes to support women in the context of statutory requirements. For this reason suitably qualified women are specifically invited to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preferential treatment.

The DFG Research Training Group "Analysis, Geometry and String Theory" is offering six PhD positions in Mathematics/ Physics starting from 01 October, 2008.

The appointments are limited to two years. An extension for one year is possible. Candidates will have the opportunity to work towards a doctoral degree in Analysis, Geometry or Mathematical Physics. Applicants are expected to hold a Master`s degree or a Diplom in Mathematics or Physics. The successful applicants are expected to contribute to the teaching programme of the research training group.

As an equal opportunities employer, Leibniz Universität Hannover wishes to support women in the context of statutory requirements. For this reason suitably qualified women are specifically invited to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preferential treatment.

TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Preparation Material. Its Free!!

Please send your application with a curriculum vitae and a description of your research interests compiled in one single pdf document to:

In addition, we request two letters of recommendation, also by e-mail.
The positions are paid according to EntGr. 13 TV-L/2.
The closing date is May 16, 2008.

For more details see the website of the Research Training Group: /

For further questions please contact:
Professor Elmar Schrohe (Speaker)
Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Institut für Analysis,
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover,
phone: +49-(0)511-762 3515
Website link:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Preprocessing of NOAA and TERRA/AQUA IMAGERIES

Objective :
Separating Cloud, Land and Sea for creating SST (Sea Surface Temperature) information from MODIS and NOAA imagery data, therefore SST information can be free from cloud.

Definition of masking (or filtering) enhancement techniques based o specific approach.
Cloud effect for the imagery result
Cloud classification from satellite data

Operational of cloud, land and sea masking in LAPAN
Cloud masking using MOD 06 (check in for MODIS data

Reasearch Development:
Cloud classification
SST interpolation value for cloud pixel

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Social Arithmetic

Social Arithmetic by Ogi Gumelar In market activity there are salesperson (merchant) and customer (buyer), in this situation salesperson give merchandise to customer as money replacement beside that customer provide money as merchandise replacement. Sales get all merchandise from wholesaler or factory buy with the price which determined by them, or called buying price. Selling price is a price determined by sales which sold out to customer. We can conclude that from the passage market activity always related with buying price or capital, this price will become basic calculation. There are two possibilities condition in market activity 1. Sales will get profit condition, or 2. Sales will get loss condition Basic rule condition equal selling price is subtracted by buying price, if condition result is positive then sales get profit in contrary if condition result negative then sales get loss. Profit A condition where sales will get profit if selling price higher than buying price. For example case There is a salesperson buy a racket with price Rp 160,000.00 and then he sell the racket with price Rp 200,000.00, from this transaction we can conclude sales do get profit for about Rp 40,000.00 due to selling price is higher than buying price. We can derive profit from the difference (deduction) between selling price and buying price: Rp 200,000.00 subtract with Rp 160,000.00 equal Rp 40,000.00. Loss A condition where sales will get loss if buying price higher than selling price. For example Mr. Mamat buy an old television with price Rp 250,000.00 after that he repair the television with cost Rp 65,000.00 but he sell the television with price Rp 300,000.00. Reparation cost and buying price will be accumulated and equal as Rp 315,000.00, where capital is Rp 250,000.00 and addition cost is Rp 65,000.00. From this case we can summarize that Mr Mamat get loss for about Rp 15,000.00. Determining loss or profit percentage In market activity loss or profit is always represented in percentage, following statement is casual condition which describe amount of percentage: 5% = 5 /100 = 1/20 = 0.05 10% = 10/100=1/10=0.01 Discount Discount is a price allowance (deduction from the price amount), discount usually use as a tool to attract customer. For example there is a sale in a store with discount from 10 % up to 50 % such that there will be a lot of customer who come to this store due to the price is cheaper than other store. Gross, Net and Tare Gross is whole or total not net Net is free from any deduction Tare is deduction Inside a box which contain sugar has total weigh for about 100 kg, if that box weigh itself for about 0.8 kg then sugar will have weigh 99.2 kg from 100 kg subtract 0.8 kg. In this case we can summarize that: Gross weigh is a total weigh 100 kg Net weigh is only sugar weigh 99.2 kg Tare weigh is a box weigh 0.8 kg Interest If we have some money then we usually will save our money in Bank account, Bank also will provide us money as a feed back. The money is called interest. Tax Tax is a routine charge that has to paid by community in one country according its’ policies without any feed back, and the tax itself usually provide public prosperity. For example PPh (Pajak Penghasilan) where collected from salary employee allowance PPn (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai) where collected from any transaction in store, wholesaler and dealer.

by ogi gumelar

Software engineering in Indonesia language (BAHASA)

5 framework activities, dalam software engineering (Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak)

Sebuah model spiral dibagi menjadi beberapa jumlah framework activities, yang juga disebut sebagai task region. Secara umum terdapat antara 3 sampai 6 task region. Gambar pada buku pressman menunjukkan sebuah model spiral yang berisi mengenai 6 task region.

Komunikasi pelanggan, tugas ini dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan komunikasi yang efektif antara developer dengan pelanggan
Perencanaan, tugas ini dibutuhkan untuk mendefinisikan resources, jadwal (timelines) dan proyek lainnya yang berkaitan dengan informasi.
Analisis Resiko, tugas ini dibutuhkan untuk mengassess resiko tekni dan resiko manajemen
Teknisi, tugas dibutuhkan untuk membangun satu atau lebih representasi dari aplikasi
Konstruksi dan release, tugas ini dibutuhkan untuk mengkonstruksikan , menguji, menginstall dan memberi pendukung untuk pengguna (misal, dokumentasi dan pelatihan)
Evaluasi Pengguna, tugas ini dibutuhkan untuk memperoleh masukan pelanggan yang berdasarkan evaluasi dari representasi perangkat lunak yang dibuat selama tahap teknis dan diimplementasikan selama tahap instalasi.
[PRE05, hal 36] Jawaban versi lain 1.2 Framework ActivitiesAn effective process model should define a small set of framework activities that are always applicable, regardless of project type. The APM defines the following set of framework activities:

• project definition - tasks required to establish effective communication between developer and customer(s) and to define requirements for the work to be performed

• planning - tasks required to define resources, timelines and other project related information and assess both technical and management risks

• engineering and construction - tasks required to create one or more representations of the software (can include the development of executable models, i.e., prototypes or simulations) and to generate code and conduct thorough testing

• release - tasks required to install the software in its target environment, and provide customer support (e.g., documentation and training)

• customer use - tasks required to obtain customer feedback based on use and evaluation of the deliverables produced during the release activity

Each of the above framework activities will occur for every project. However, the set of tasks (we call this a task set) that is defined for each framework activity will vary depending upon the project type (e.g., Concept Development Projects will have a different task set than Application Enhancement Projects) and the degree of rigor selected for the project.

6 tingkatan dari SEI Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Enam tingkatan dari Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI):

Tingkat 1 : Awal . Proses perangkat lunak dikarakteristikkan sebagai ad hoc dan kadang tidak dapat diprediksi. Beberapa proses didefinisikan dan keberhasilannya tergantung dari masing-masing proses.

Tingkat 2 : Pengulangan (Repeatable ).Proses manajemen proyek dasar dibuat untuk mengantisipasi biaya, jadwal dan kegunaan. Ilmu proses yang dibutuhkan adalah untuk mengulang keberhasilan lebih awal pada proyek dengan aplikasi yang serupa.

Tingkat 3 : Terdefinisikan. Proses perangkat lunak untuk kedua kegiatan dari manajemen dan teknik didokumentasikan , distandarisasikan dan di integrasikan menjadi proses perangkat lunak yang terorganisir secara luas. Semua proyek menggunakan versi yang telah didokumentasikan dan disetujui dari organisasi pengembang dan pendukung perangkat lunak. Tingkat ini mencakup semua karakteristik yang didefinisikan pada tingkat 2.

Tingkat 4 : Terorganisir (Managed). Ukuran yang terperinci dari proses dan produk perangkat lunak dikumpulkan. Proses dan produk perangkat lunak secara kuantitatif dipahami dan dikendalikan menggunakan ukuran terperinci. Tingkat ini mencakup semua karakteristik yang didefinisikan untuk tingkat 3.

Tingkat 5: Optimisasi. Proses pengembangan yang berkelanjutan diperbolehkan oleh umpan balik yang kuantitatif dari proses dan dari pengujian usulan dan teknologi yang inovatif. Tingkat ini mencakup semua karakteristik yang didefinisikan untuk tingkat 4.

[PRE05, hal 24-25] Versi lain jawaban kedua:

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Level 0: Incomplete (process is not performed or does not achieve all goals defined for
Level 1: Performed (work tasks required to produce required work products are being conducted)
Level 2: Managed (people doing work have access to adequate resources to get job done, stakeholders are actively involved, work tasks and products are monitored, reviewed, and evaluated for conformance to process description)
Level 3: Defined (management and engineering processes documented, standardized, and integrated into organization-wide software process)
Level 4: Quantitatively Managed (software process and products are quantitatively understood and controlled using detailed measures)
Level 5: Optimizing (continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback from the process and testing innovative ideas)

Versi lain dengan penjelasan yang lebih lengkapCapability Level 0: Incomplete

An “incomplete process” is a process that either is not performed or partially performed. One or more of the specific goals of the process area are not satisfied, and no generic goals exist for this level since there is no reason to institutionalize a partially performed process.

Capability Level 1: Performed

A capability level 1 process is characterized as a “performed process.” A performed process is a process that satisfies the specific goals of the process area. It supports and enables the work needed to produce work products. Although capability level 1 results in important improvements, those improvements can be lost over time if they are not institutionalized. The application of institutionalization (the CMMI generic practices at capability levels 2 through 5) helps to ensure that improvements are maintained.

Capability Level 2: Managed

A capability level 2 process is characterized as a “managed process.” A managed process is a performed (capability level 1) process that has the basic infrastructure in place to support the process. It is planned and executed in accordance with policy; employs skilled people who have adequate resources to produce controlled outputs; involves relevant stakeholders; is monitored, controlled, and reviewed; and is evaluated for adherence to its process description. The process discipline reflected by capability level 2 helps to ensure that existing practices are retained during times of stress.

Capability Level 3: Defined

A capability level 3 process is characterized as a “defined process.” A defined process is a managed (capability level 2) process that is tailored from the organization’s set of standard processes according to the organization’s tailoring guidelines, and contributes work products, measures, and other process improvement information to the organizational process assets. A critical distinction between capability levels 2 and 3 is the scope of standards, process descriptions, and procedures. At capability level 2, the standards, process descriptions, and procedures may be quite different in each specific instance of the process (e.g., on a particular project). At capability level 3, the standards, process descriptions, and procedures for a project are tailored from the organization’s set of standard processes to suit a particular project or organizational unit and therefore are more consistent, except for the differences allowed by the tailoring guidelines. Another critical distinction is that at capability level 3, processes are typically described more rigorously than at capability level 2. A defined process clearly states the purpose, inputs, entry criteria, activities, roles, measures, verification steps, outputs, and exit criteria. At capability level 3, processes are managed more proactively using an understanding of the interrelationships of the process activities and detailed measures of the process, its work products, and its services.

Capability Level 4: Quantitatively Managed

A capability level 4 process is characterized as a “quantitatively managed process.” A quantitatively managed process is a defined (capability level 3) process that is controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques. Quantitative objectives for quality and process performance are established and used as criteria in managing the process. Quality and process performance is understood in statistical terms and is managed throughout the life of the process.

Capability Level 5: Optimizing

A capability level 5 process is characterized as an “optimizing process.” An optimizing process is a quantitatively managed (capability level 4) process that is improved based on an understanding of the common causes of variation inherent in the process. The focus of an optimizing process is on continually improving the range of process performance through both incremental and innovative improvements. Remember that capability levels 2 through 5 use the same terms as generic goals 2 through 5.


Multiresolution-Based Image Fusion

Abstract— The standard data fusion methods may not be
satisfactory to merge a high-resolution panchromatic image and
a low-resolution multispectral image because they can distort the
spectral characteristics of the multispectral data. In this paper,
we developed a technique, based on multiresolution wavelet
decomposition, for the merging and data fusion of such images.
The method presented here consists of adding the wavelet
coefficients of the high-resolution image to the multispectral (lowresolution)
data. We have studied several possibilities concluding
that the method which produces the best results consists in
adding the high order coefficients of the wavelet transform of
the panchromatic image to the intensity component of the multispectral image. The method is, thus, an
improvement on standard intensity-hue-saturation (IHS or LHS)
mergers. We used the “`a trous” algorithm which allows to use a
dyadic wavelet to merge nondyadic data in a simple and efficient
scheme. We used the method to merge SPOT and LANDSAT
(TM) images. The technique presented is clearly better than the
IHS and LHS mergers in preserving both spectral and spatial

By:Jorge N´u˜nez, Xavier Otazu, Octavi Fors, Albert Prades, Vicen¸c Pal`a, and Rom´an Arbiol

landsat example

This is the example of landsat (land satelite) image or you can download other images in or you can see in indonesias' satelite in

classification in image processing

I just want review about classification in image processing, in general classification divide into two types, unsupervised classification and supervised classification. The purpose of classification is to clusterize or groupping some image data into specified class. For unsupervised classification usually i use isoclass method rather than k means, you can use er mapper, envi or ilwis to do this procces. Also for supervised classification i used maximum likelihood.
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